Looking after yourself as a parent/caregiver
Having a child admitted to PICU can be difficult for parents and caregivers. The illness, underlying health condition, or injury that lead to admission can be very concerning.
In PICU, you may be additionally challenged by seeing your child undergoing invasive procedures, hooked up to machines, or acting strangely due to medications or episodes of delirium.
The parent’s role of caring for your child has been taken over or shared by health professionals, and parents can often feel helpless.
It is very important that during and after your child’s PICU admission, you remember to look after yourself. This is important for both your and your child’s recovery.
Children, particularly young children, are dependent on their caregivers to help them feel safe, secure, and manage their own physical feelings (e.g. pain), and emotions.
You can do that best when you are feeling healthier, calmer, and like you still have some “petrol in your tank”! Eating healthy foods, exercising, taking some time out for yourself, talking to friends, or engaging in activities that you enjoy are some ways that you can care for yourself if you are feeling overwhelmed.
Seek support for yourself by seeing your GP or a psychologist if you find that you are really struggling with your own emotions.